I just want to apologize to all of you now. I'm extremely sorry for the way I am. I'm sorry a thousand times over for every person in this guild that i've offended in any and every way.
Nayu, I just want to say that I am deeply sorry for going off on you. You are a nice person, and I didn't intend to hurt you at all. You leaving the guild was my fault, and I can never forgive myself for that.
Pivo, I'm sorry for going off on you as well. You deserve much more respect than that, both as an elder and as a friend. Angering you to such a level that you turned off guild chat completely has no excuse for it.
Kyushi, I'm sorry for making you the scapegoat of my frustration. Yelling at you for something that I caused to happen is nothing short of stupid. I feel horrible for the way I treated you, and you didn't even do anything at all.
I don't intend to actually hurt anyone with my sarcasm or remarks. I have an awful way of showing my respect and affection towards others. A way which many would describe as hurting the ones you care about. I care about everyone in this guild very much. My way of showing it, however, is lacking.
So, I'm sorry to all of you, and I'm going to prevent myself from offending or hurting anyone else in HeadHunters.